As usual, Joana, well written and eye opening.
I however, with a strongly Jewish and Portuguese background, deeply resent Anne Franks story being labelled White Privilege. That is totally insulting and demeaning.
It is so typical of this current desire to accuse anyone who is "apparently" white of having "privilege" vs anyone who has a different skin colour.
I was not educated in the "normal" school system, and was taught equally about all history, regardless of where it took place.. or who was involved.
I was taught about the dreadful invasions and susequent brutalties exacted upon the people of South America by assorted "conquerors".
I was taught about the terrible things done by Japan to the Chinese.
I was taught about the terrible reality of the black people wrenched from their homes and families and dragged across the ocean, to die horribly.
I was taught of how in Canada and the U.S. the tribes that lived on the land, hunting and trading, were overcome by force in many cases, driven from thier lands, forced to be farmers, infected with diseases (Smallpox for one), had thier children basically kidnapped and turned "white" in religious schools.
Just to mention a few things I had drilled into me.
None of these things are admirable.
I guess I was fortunate to have avoided the "normal schooling" system.
It is very sad that kids have for ages been taught "selectively". It is wrong. but that still doesn't make it right to say that Anne Frank had white privilege.