Conundrum of the Empty Chair
“What a stark, simple photo. “
Commented my friend Deborah Camp. Referring to my chair photo in Simply Photos
Deborah continues: “But the psychological implications are not.
- Why is no one there?
- Have they left?
- Passed away?
- Or is the chair simply waiting for someone to return?”
So, I am throwing these questions from Deborah Camp and the title out to all of you, (I will tag a few in case Medium does not send out an email notification) in the hopes that you might like to write a fun little fiction around this.
Dennett Anne Bonfert Penny Grubb Rui Alves Deborah Camp Erika Burkhalter Susan Wheelock Susan Alison Krasi Shapkarova Pam Saraga GnanVi_Speaks Kim Zuch John O'Neill Michael Burg, MD (Satire Sommelier) 😬 Normal Earthling