Excellent piece, Dennett.
I like all of your points, and follow most. I must admit that I tend to not spend a lot of time helping writers that are not proficient in english. That is because sometimes I feel that the story has added charm with the quirky presentation, and also because I simply do not have time. So I am a lazy person, I am afraid. ;-(
So far I have only been overtly rejected twice and was not really upset by it. One -the editor felt the story would work better in another pub, and suggested one. The other by a new-to-that-pub editor and no reason was given, but i noticed that the pub had taken a different tone and direction. I removed myself as a writer.
Rejection is unpleasant, but what really annoys me is when a submission is completely ignored and one is left in limbo. I have removed myself as a writer from those pubs that did this. I feel that leaving one in limbo is much worse than outright rejecting the piece. It is as if they are saying "I cannot even be bothered to reject this.".
I think that you are a great editor and appreciate how much time you put into your pub.