First off, Danielle, thank you for the mention. Much apreciated and I am humbled that you thought that piece worth mentioning.
I am sad to hear that you were targeted in such an unkind way. It does, however underline the generally bad manners and thoughtless actions of many people in todays' highly disfunctional society.
The internet seems to make some people feel that they are invisible and untouchable, and thus can say whatever they feel like.
Blocking this person was a good start. Not dignifying negative comments with a response is also good.
I support everyones' right to an opinion - even if I disagree with it, BUT, that does not mean that I will tolerate vitreol for not supporting that opinion.
The art of true debate seems to be dead these days. Which is a very great pity. Well informed debate can lead to important change, to improvements to society, etc.
The "I'm right - you are wrong" attitude that is prevalent these days leads to really bad feelings and fisticuffs.
That discourteous approach is found everywhere - Medium, daily life, etc.
More civility in our daily lives should be encouraged.