Fusion Garden Fun
Shortly after we moved into the present home, I noticed that the grass on the boulevard was sparse and looked awful.
For several years I tried fertilizing, adding manure, adding fresh topsoil. No success. And, because it is on a slope, it was very annoying to mow.
In Spring of 2013, our local parks gardener (with whom I was doing volunteering) came along and suggested planting some shallow rooted perennials there. She donated a bunch of bearded Iris that we had recently thinned out in the park garden.
Some passers-by have been bewildered by this boulevard garden, but our local government calls this type of project a Fusion Garden, and they came by to admire it last year, and to encourage me to continue with it.
Our neighbour across the way (who we have nick-named Trash Warrior for his unrelenting fight against plastic waste — see photo below) is very artistic and also handy. He created a sign for the garden, as seen in the lead photo.
For fun, some of us decided to have a little sign dedication ceremony a couple of weeks ago.
We toasted with some home made liquor from Madeira, donated by one of our Portugese neighbours. Thank you Maria!