George is adorable.
To respond to your questions:
1 - definitely get him fixed. You are not doing him or any wandering lady cats any favour by leaving him intact. I understand that there are really good health reasons for getting this done. Here is one source you can look at:
2- keeping cats indoors. Well, there are a number of good reasons for us keeping our cats inside, which I think my partner already mentioned, but I'll repeat. Keeping them inside prevents attacks by Coyotes, Coywolves and Foxes. It prevents them from getting hit by cars. It keeps them from visiting neighbouring gardens and annoying people by using garden beds as litter boxes. It keeps them from being attacked by dogs. It keeps them from picking up assorted ilnesses like Rabies, Giardia or eating poisoned meat, or rodents which have ingested rat poison. Lastly it helps to prevent them from picking up ticks and fleas.
Cats are by nature, predators. Keeping them inside helps to protect birds from being attacked.
Probably the most important thing you can do for your cat is to ensure that they get plenty of attention in the form of playtime. Give them interactive toys that will help to entertain them when you are not there.
Make sure that they have a nice cat tower, preferably one that has a window view.