Great story Don.
I know that these "feelings" we sometimes experience are not really accepted by the scientific community and engineering types laugh at them.
However, I totally believe that somehow you picked up on that woman's thoughts, maybe as she was being murdered. Somehow your mind was open to "hear".
A very dear friend of mine passed away from cancer, leaving two young children and a very bereft husband. He ended up somehow walking out into traffic and was very badly concussed. There were a lot of issues with him taking care of himself and the kids as a result of the accident.
One day I was at home and got a powerful strong feeling that my deceased friend was asking me to go to their home. I dismissed it, but it persisted so that finally I got into my car and drove over. All the way I felt I was being urged to get over there. I knocked on the door, still feeling impelled. The kids opened it, and were pleased to see me, it seemed. As I walked into the house, the feeling of being impelled stopped and I felt a rush of great peace.
I was able to comfort the kids, letting them know that I would talk to their Dad, and letting them know they could call me anytime if they wanted to.
I went and visited them a lot after that. It was very hard because it was difficult to get through to their Dad. The concussion definitely left him impaired, and it was like that until he passed on 7 years later.
He retained enough of his mind to request that I be Godmother to the kids, which I did. That seemed to give him some peace and comfort.
I will never forget how she seemed to reach out to me from beyond the grave.
Here is a song I wrote in her memory, based on a conversation I had with her widow.