Greatstory, Sheila! Your cats are oe of a kind I think.
Coffee? NO way. Our cats would not contemplate sticking their faces in a cup of coffee.
Sweet Zombie has the corner on the coffee market, I think.
No one has every showed interest in bottle and can wraps. They don't even bother with boxes. It's very strange.
We don't know about the books thing because everything is shelved. We try to clear out older stuff as we get new, or we add shelving.
Now book shelves are a different matter. These are popular because they are usually placed near windows.
I really love the photos you included.
Scooter just looks SO bratty in that box. The Muffin Man parkd in the tub, appears to be posing for the picture.
Hoover Higgins and Banshee are so beautiful, just adorable.
That last shot of The Muffin Man is great!!!