I loved this. Honey is very pretty.
I guess you haven't heard about the built-in alarm clock that all cats seem to have?
At our vet's suggestion, we feed our cats 5 times daily. (The vet said that its about equal to 5 small mice daily which would tie into what they might have if out on their own.) Anyway - they are out waiting and demanding at those times we normally produce the food. If we should be 5 minutes late - the howling and moaning begins.
Like you, we have tried feeding them earlier because we happen to be going out and would miss the correct time - doesn't work. They are very aggrieved when we return and do not produce the desired food - even though they have already had it.
Have you considered a timer controlled feeder for those times you may need to miss a meal? We tried one for one of our former cats and it worked great.