I really admire that you took on the garden, Jack. When I look at the scope of what you have, I cringe. That is a Hellish amount of work, for anyone,gardener or non gardener.
It is really cool that you plunged in, and from personal experience, I know how satisfying that can be.
I really like your cinder block planters and your plant choices.
That water feature is beautiful. I know how labour intensive they can be. We had one at the previous house but decided to keep to heated birdbaths at this one. Not as cool, but a lot less work, and provides hours of fun watching the birds use it.
We have rabbits, coyotes, foxes, groundhogs, possums, skunks, mink, grey, black and red squirrels, mice, raccoons, lots of birds. Deer wander the park, but seldom venture through the streets.
Of all the wildlife the squirrels are most annoying, since they tend to pointlessly bite off flower tops.