I'm baaaaack!
I support this idea, in all seriousness.
I am not pleased with the number of 'Loved this. read mine" style responses.
Years ago we belonged to a now defunct music site called AcidPlanet. While there were plenty of genuine listeners there, there were also the usual "Great tune. Listen to mine" or a ton of likes and "Cool" comments.
On Acid Plantet it was always about getting moved up in the "charts" The DJ and Rap artists were always at it and really got a lot of rage from those of us who just wanted to create, collaborate and mutually appreciate.
The "chart climbers" were notorious for the old "cut and paste" comments. We caught them and regularly reported and got them removed. They alway snuck back uner a dfferent name.
Most recently here on Medium I was enraged by a new writer who clapped for a comment I made on someone else's work. and posted a link back to his own story. I gave him hell for this and told him that it amounted to spam for which he could get reported.
He has not responded. If he does it again - i will block and report him.
Anyway, I like the idea of an exam to prove you actually read and understood the article.