Interesting article. raising interesting questions.
I am not religious by a long shot, but there is one old biblical saying that I think is helpful: "Do unto others as ye would have them do unto you.". Using this as a guide means that you will restrain your impulses to insult people to their faces and embarrass them, you will be restrained in giving contraversial opinions in certain instances to avoid causing hurt or discomfort. You are entitled to think what you wish, but be mindful of how you express your thoughts to avoid causing conflict and/or hurt to others.
How does this play into what you are saying?
It means that I believe I can think what I wish, but for the sake of not unduly hurting others and to avoid conflict I may choose not to share my true thoughts.
What if Aunt Patty had kept her rude opinions to herself? Had been polite, not over doing it, but also not just coming out and beng rude? what then? Would that have been worse than causing hurt to those concerned by coming out and stating her opinions?
Inter racial relationships can cause tremendous issues among friends of families on both sides. Fact.
I think that there is an appropriate time and place to share your true thoughts, and it is not always in public on certain items.
Remaining neutral is a great way to get on with others and not get into ugly arguments.