Just in case, using my publication, ALFEW, as an example, I went through the various screens that come up for publication purposes.
So you followed Catness, then you went to your story and clicked on the publish icon, then you got the drop down menu with the options for No publication and a list of publications? Right?
Check this thing I created below with each screen as it comes up, see if that is what you are seeing.
You could email me if you want wezel2@gmail.com
New Submission
How to
Submitting to the Publication
Once you have decided to write a new story, you will see the following screen come up.
At the top of the page, to the right are 3 dots, Click on the 3 dots.
The following will come up.
The second item in the drop down list is “add to Publication” Click on that. Next a list of publications, including ALFEW, should appear.
Select ALFEW
Click on Select and Continue
The following will appear
Click on Submit — here you can add tags and you can review your preview image , when done Add tags in the Add a Tag window
Click on Submit to Publication. You will get a confirmation saying that the work has been submitted.
Click on the OK button
The following will appear on your screen. which is the name of your piece and the text. Click on the Publish button top right
The following will appear. this is where you get one last chance before you hit Publish now.
You are always able to go back to your article and make changes even after it has been accepted into the publication.
You can submit a single image, or a whole bunch.