Loved this. Loved the responses. LOLd at the Medium responses (such as they were).
There are few options for publishing online (one that I loved was Posterous) I tried Tumblr (total waste of time, Blogger, too irritating/waste of time, considered others but they all lacked something.
Medium has a really good base concept, but unfortunately Ev has a bee in his bonnet about keeping the pages advertising free which I guess is how they came up with the present plan.
I just enjoy the communities I have met here, and enjoy sharing my work with them. Making money from writing is not my goal. My hubby says that sooner or later, Medium will find a way to get rid of people like me. I’ll keep writing and sharing until then. I always turn off the annoying “curation” button when I submit. I do not feel that I want anyone else “curating” my work.