Mohamed, I am angry with the vast ignorance, stupidity, greed, and lack of morals that are evidenced in 99 percent of so called leaders all over the world. I am enraged that our very planet is under threat due to these things. I am enraged that people do not learn from the past. The struggles in the Middle East have been going on, in one form or another for centuries. They do not appear to be resolvable in our lifetime. I do not support violence. Look about you and see how very little violence contributes to any betterment of any thing. In every single case of violent warfare, nobody wins.
this is not a happy, democratic society. This is society driven by greed and the wish for power. We hold supposedly free elections, and morons get in. Take Russia and India, they hold supposedly free elections, and despots get in. Basically greed and despotism are winning right now. So glad I am in my 80s and will not be here to see the complete fall of society, which I feel is imminent. Sorry. Rant over.Namaste.