My recipe is REALLY easy. For 2 people.
Take two medium sized potatoes and peel. I cut mine up to cook faster. Put them in a pot with 2 liters of water. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and three tablespoons of olive oil (must be olive oil).While potatoes are cooking take 4 generous sized curly kale leaves, roll them into a very tight roll, and using a very sharp sharp (large) knife shred the rolled up leaves. Shred VERY fine.
When the potatoes are cooked use a big spoon to remobe them from the boiling water (turn down to simmer) put the cooked potatoes in a colander and let it drain back into the potato water. Put the potatoes into a bowl and mash them up. (I use something called a Mouli Gratin to do this part) Put the mashed potatoes back into the simmering water. add some fresh or dried herbs such as Savoury, Thyme, Oregano. and a generous pinch of salt and pepper. Bring it to a boil and add the finely shredded Kale. Let the kale boil for about one minute. Serve with generous hunks of fresh crusty bread,
If you plan to add Chorico of any type, you would want to slice than very thinly and let it fry while the potaoes are cooking. You would add the sliced sausage with the Kale.
This soup is a meal on its own and best served up fresh. I find it doesn't keep that well.