OMG Alan, I was having my morning snack of apple slices and raw almonds and damn near choked I was laughing so hard.
It's strange how sitting on top of a ladder and telling people to fuck off (good one) can tend to make them leave one alone.
HAH! Team player???NEVER.
When I was 4, the neighbour kid was brought over to play and I took his toy train and hit him over the head with it. I think that shows an early disposition to NOT be a team player. ;-)
Pain makes me angry and quarrelsome all the time these days. Some little tubby turd was tailgating me recently and I stopped, got out and proceded to give him shit. We were in a school zone and the school kids were wandering around like zombies - ready to be hit by assholes. My sailor kicks in when I get mad. I told him to do a few physical activities that he might have found really hard to comprehend. He left at high speed. laying rubber. I suppose he might have shot me, but I was in one of those "Go ahead and make my effing day" moods and didn't care. Anyhow, I had my wrecking bar in my hand when I approached him. Being really short and old and cranky - bad combo.