One of my garden clients was a shrink, she wrote a book along the lines of "the art of saying NO" I liked it a lot. My friend who is a doormat, hated it.
I think your friend has to learn to say "no" do not answer the door or the phone is you are busy. Do not accept projects for others unless there is some return.
She is recovering from an operation. Perfect reason to say no to the big dogs. Her damned daughter should know better. She can change this right now by calling her daughter and saying "sorry this is not working for me, I am still recovering from surgery.. Please take you dog away."
I guess she cant ditch the other dog, although I would be tempted to find a reliable boarding place and contact the neighbours and say the same as to her daughter. But, add in the proviso that if she falls and her recovery is affected she will have to charge them for her expenses.
Saying no can lead to sulking and losing friends, but if that is all it takes to lose a friend, they were not a friend.
She is facilitating them bullying her. She has to stop.