Our cat naming has been random. Our first cat was called Shiat-su. We left that name.
The next one was a winter rescue from under a car. He was long and thin and looked lik a jackal. We named him Anubis for the Egytpian jackal god.
Then came Jezabel. Her owner had to rehome her because the boyfriend was allergic. We left it because it suited her. Jez was the only cat for years until she passed and we adopted Taffy. Taffy was her name and it suited her.
We adopted Dilly because his dad got a job in the U.S. and was worried about taking Dilly on a plane trip. Dilly left us after only 4 months due to cancer, but not before he firmly wrapped his little paws around our hearts.
Then came Gandalf the Grey. He started out as Big Papa Smurf, We changed it, and he responded right away to the new name.
Gandalf and Taffy ruled the roost jointly until another needy cat showed up. Mo. We left her name as it was. Mo left us after 2 years due to advanced liver disease.
Gandalf passed from a stroke and pancreatitis in 2021. in 2022 We finally adopted Shadow who started out as Belinda. We liked Shadow better.
No real good reasons behind the names, they just worked.