Louise Peacock
2 min readDec 23, 2017


Reasoned response, Erika.

My stance is that I do like how immigration is handled here.

Here in Canada we have a socialist leaning government that has brought in large numbers of immigrants/refugees without properly checking into their backgrounds/suitability to meld into our society.

Here’s the thing, I am an immigrant myself. I came to Canada in 1965, and had to go through an unbelievable amount of checking before I was able to come here. Nothing was given to us for free. We were required to pay back our fare to come here within a stipulated amount of time (can’t remember what that was, but we did have to pay it back.)

Once I landed here, I was so grateful to have a nice place to live, a job that paid reasonably well and running hot and cold water (yes, that was HUGE) I put aside all my English habits and mannerisms, lost my English accent and wholeheartedly adopted my new country. And never looked back. Thanks to Canada, I have been able to achieve all my goals.

Now days however, anyone can get into this country with little or no trouble. the minute they get in they are provided with free housing, free medical care and a social security number which gives them, you guessed it, social security income.

Once they get in, they begin to take advantage of the tolerant Canadians, and abuse our system. They demand to be allowed to carry on with their own cultural customs, they try to interfere with ours and they openly let us know how much they hate us.

Many of us resent this and we really do not appreciate having these people forced on us and being forced to foot the bill via our taxes.

I support those coming here looking for a better life and respecting the society into which they have come.

Respect the country, be thankful you have been offered a home here and adopt this country as your own. Do not come here to disrupt and destroy what we are. If you dislike us that much, you are more than welcome to leave. Anytime.



Louise Peacock

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.