Sorry, Alan. Squirrels are on my list of "not welcome in my garden" critters. Unfortunately they cause a huge amount of roof tile damage as well as flashing around chimneys damage.
If they would stick to squirrel business, find and bury and retrieve nuts, I could live with it, but this business of getting into roofs and destroying moquito netting in windows, the destroying wooden window frames is just NOT on.
It is not for lack of food supplies that they do these things. In our area there are great supplies of naturally occurring food sources.
Please do tell how squirrels stopped you from being a gun-toting yahoo?
The changes in climate patters are indeed, very distrubing for everything.
In the past 10 years I have noticed a huge reduction in Bees, Butterflies and assorted birds. Coincidence? I think not. (Thank you Kramer).
It is depressing to see how humankind continues to merrily destroy everything around them, with not a care.
My only consolation is that I will not have to endure another 20 years of this BS. (I hope not anyway, I do not want to be hobbling around on a walker with airtubes attached.)