Sue, this is fantastic. I really enjoyed reading about your discoveries and becomIng aware of how important clothing choices can be.
On your rack I spotted two blouses that immediately caught my eye. Far left, second from the end, the black white with swirly plant designs. Far right. End, cream coloured.
To me, these two will work with practically any add ons you choose. Flashy jewelry, bright scarf, fancy belt, whatever suits your particular personality and likes.
Either one can be casual or smart depending upon what you add.
The best advice I ever got on how to dress was from my Mom who said it doesn't matter what you wear provided you feel good in it, you will look smashing.
I ha a coworker once who had very little money, but always managed to look good. Her secret was in the accessories she wore. She could wear the same skirt and blouse over and over, and yet depending on what accessories she added, she always looked different, and always smart.
Enjoy your journey.