Thanks, Dennett.
How horrible for you to have both. (I understand that colitis and Crohns are sub types to IBS.)
You must REALLY have trouble finding suitable foods. That is really annoying about bananas and cauliflower.
The Mayo Clinic said that the types of foods tolerated will vary from person to person, and really, all one can do is try different things and see what does not upset them.
It certainly is irritating to be forced to consider everything I am going to eat, but I have been seeing a gradual improvement over the last week, so I feel I can move ahead with more confidence. I am certainly feeling MUCH better.
For me, I think the major sugar issue is caused by refined white sugar. Whereas, I seem to be able to tolerate a small amount of raw sugar. Raw sugar and Stevia is what I bake with. That butter tart my client gave me was assuredly pure refined white sugar because that is what she would normally use. Neither one of us thought it might be a bad idea for me.
Thanks for noticing the artwork.;-)
I hope the fury of your latest storm has passed and not been devastating.