Thanks for publishing, Dennett.
Well, we usually get about a month of tropical heat in July, but this year, after an exceptionally cold and dreary spring, we went right into 30 degree C temps and really brutal humidity. This has been going on without a break for the past 6 weeks.
Very little rain. What rain there has been has not been useful. When we get a deluge, all it does is takes the topsoil off, it does not penetrate the soil.
Great for hanging around the swimming pool, but not so great if one is a working gardener. And, wearing any sort of mask - even the face shield - is pretty unpleasant.
The alternative to wearing a mask is even less appealing because we have a ton of types who think this is a big fake thing, and disregard all precautions. They hassle those wearing masks, and they hassle people in stores asking them to wear masks.
I wear a mask whenever I leave the house, and I do my best to go shopping at off hours. We do not go out or mingle with anyone.
This "new reality" is very tiresome. (sigh)