Thanks for reading and commenting, Jack.
Do we have critters!? I’ll say we do.
Rabbits — they are always going after plants, although I must say that since our neighbour started growing veg, the rabbits stay in his garden more.
Skunks — they generally leave plants alone but they love to dig holes in the lawn and beds in their search for grubs.
Raccoons — they go after other peoples’ garbage cans, but visit our garden in search of grubs and water (the bird baths).
0ppossums — they really like fruit and have visited our garden to collect fallen pears from the neighbour.
Foxes — they search for baby rabbits, and do not bother the garden at all. They show up on our assorted cameras, sneaking about.
Groundhogs — they line up at our neighbours place for his veg garden. they like to traverse our yard on their way over there.
Squirrels — both red and black — are a royal pain. They love to interfere with newly planted things. I have taken to inserting plastic picnic forks. tines up, around newly planted things. It seems to keep them away. This year I added plastic forks to the annual pots, and the squirrels have not disturbed anything.
If the grub digging gets really bad, we set up an electric fence — that usually gets critters to avoid the area.