That is very unfortunate, Bhavnaa. No nice to be awakened by a personal horror story, which how I treat them.
The whole dream thing, however, is interesting, because it is more proof to me, that our mind is not our friend.
Thankfully, these days I do not get them much. In the past I have had the classic one where one is running away from something or someone, and one is no longer able to run.
Apparently I used to talk in my sleep while dreaming. A former room mate got really annoyed with me for 1) talking in my sleep and waking her up, 2) talking in my sleep in Portuguese. 3) talking in my sleep and actually getting up and in one instance, rushing to the window and claiming there was a fire in the parking lot.
I once had a very movie-like dream where I thought I was a Samurai fighting for his life in a terrible battle with a huge army. I woke up just before one of the soldiers delivered the killing blow.