That's great, Sheila. The Naming Process - very random.
Taffy came to us with that name. Her full name was Taffilina, but we preferred the short form - much easier to say. Her nick names: Taffers, Taff, Fluffzilla, Barf bitch, Barfarella
Gandalf the Grey came to us as Big Daddy Smurf. We thought that cumbersome and did not think it suited him. Being Lord of the Rings fans we thought that with his personality, Gandalf the Grey worked better. He learned to respond to his new name within a day. He sometimes got called Gandy or Gandolpho.
Moe and Dilly were named when we got them, and since they seemed to know their names, and were both much older kitties, we did not rename them.
Anubis, the jackal God Cat, rescued from the wheel well of a car on a cold and snowy night, he got his name right after we decided to keep him. He had the look of the Anubis character, but got nicknamed Nubbles and Nubby.
Shiatsu, small, coal black and sleek, came with that name. It suited her so we kept it. No nicknames.
Jezabel, also black and very opinionated came with that name and, again, it suited her, so we kept it. We sometimes called her Jez or Jezzy.