Well written article, J.W. Good points made.
I must, however, suggest that if the police are aboloished, the well off will hire their own private security. Even with the police, people still hire their own private security guards (I used to work for a security company).
I agree that the brutality and the "them vs us" mentality of the police is horrifying, but I also see that the justice system helps to encourage this attitude.
The police are called to deal with a violent gang situation, the perps are back on the streets in 24 hours. Sadly, the perps are often better armed than the police.
Something that no one wants to discuss is that people fear anything that is different. Fear is often the motivation for negative attitudes towards different races even different cultures.
Another thing that people do not want to discuss is that people of all creeds and colours naturally form groups. Once they form a group, strangers are generally not welcome, regardless of creed or colour.
Cops band together for safety and strength (Safety in numbers), because no one really holds them accountable, they become a force unto themselves.
Reasl change, in the form of actual action being taken by people in power is unlikely to happen. Just a bunch of feel good statements and a few visible actions. Underneath things will remain the same.
One major difference may be that cops will refuse to attend calls made from known gang/crime infested areas.
I know that activists believe that if everyone had enough to eat, clothes and a home, there would be no crime, so why have police ....unfortunately they are not taking into account GREED.
GREED and the wish for POWER drive the sociopaths, and it is the sociopaths that see nothing wrong with killing and stealing to get what they want.