What I find particularly egregious is that with all the "cast in stone" environmental laws that we have in place here, our corrupt politicians have found ways to circumvent them. Even as I write, there are several really big protests taking place concerning the destruction of sections of our "greenbelt". These were supposedly totally protected with no development allowed, but our corrupt provincial leader allowed some of his big developer buddies to secretly acquire some of these "protected" lands. The "reason" given is that they need to build more "affordable housing". This is of course BS, because in that area those developers will be building multi-million dollar homes for the uber rich, not for the home-needy.
The fact is that there is plenty of land available for the building of affordable homes, but it will not help the powerful developers. They want access to land that is in the midst of a very lovely, peaceful woodland.
When presented with the existing environmental protection laws, they scoff and say that the need for affordable homes is more important than protecting the environment.
At the moment, the only hope we have is that the federal government (which hates our provincial government) might step in an insist on an environmental impact assessment. That would put a temporary stop to any development.
The federal government will only do that if they think it might distract people from the current Chinese- interfering-with-our-elections scandal. Sigh.;-(