William, this was brilliant. You would be awesome in a debate, by the way.
I believe that they way we are currently living our lives will ultimately destroy both us and the planet.
I laughed at your discussion on fairness, because it reminded me a lot of the discussions on a just society in Platos Republic. Specifically where he suggests that a just society for the sheepherders will differ from the just society for the cowherders (I am paraphrasing here).
The people of our present society seem to be completely spoiled and very selfish.
Planning for the future is not really something they care about (look at plastic pollution alone).
Consumerism has basically consumed them.
There is a very interesting movie called Idiocracy, which on the surface is a warped comedy, but really is a rather nasty look at what we are becoming. You should check it out. Directed by Mike Judge, and co-written by Mike Judge and Ethan Cohen (who else?) Mike judge was responsible for Beavis and Buthead, and a brilliant and sarcastic look at office work called Office Space.
I look forward to reading more of your writings, and thank you for being a follower.