Your bird photos were a treat, Christine.
What a bore about the router. I hope that it can be fixed soon.
That first shot is stunning. What a beautiful bird.
I love seeing the small birds out and about. We have no Tits or Siskins, as far as I know. More’s the pity, they are really cute.
The shot of the Dartford Warbler, posed on the gorse is charming. Another pretty bird.
I hope to see the Starlings in our yard soon. They have a habit of nesting at the nearby plant supplier, and are dropins at our bird bath.
It is so lovely when the spring birds begin to arrive and start collecting nesting material. Today I was tidying up along the driveway bed and looked up to see two very chatty chickadees prospecting our Tamarisk as a suitable nesting spot!
Thanks so much for the kind mention.
I hope the router problem is gone soon.