Your images are amazing. What wonderful captures. (We also have Jeruselem Artochoke!!!! - Very invasive and very tasty.)
Your observations on the state of the U.S. are sad but I feel very true. Yes, we should of course, hope for the best, as the Captain suggests, but that is difficult when so much is so very wrong.
I am grateful that I am unlikely to be around for a long time - almost 80, means that life is winding down for me, for which I am glad. I do not like the direction in which the world is going, I do not like how the various political factions are jockying for position (even as rome falls).
What is currently going on politically is greatly affected by this vile virus ( thank you bat-eating a-holes). Recovery will be hard, and with so-called leaders like you know who, we are really in deep doo doo.
In a head-in-the-sand way, it may be best for our mental wellness to listen only a little to the ongoing BS, and spend more time with those things that we love. Enjoy as much of life as we can while we still can.
Much love and support to you my friend. XXO